We need you.

We need volunteers like you to help move our projects forward. Find opportunities in your area of interest, learn something new, and have an impact in your town. Take a look at our current projects below.
Chris Ebstein, President
Chris Ebstein, president


CGCT and the Town of Clinton were awarded a 2022 MassTrails Grant that provides funds for planning the design & remediation of the historic tunnel of the Mass Central Rail Trail and trail design from the Berlin town line to the east entrance of the tunnel.    …read more

Rauscher Farm

Clinton’s town-owned Rauscher Farm is 62 acres of protected open space, a natural gem in our small, densely populated town in Central Massachusetts. Not least of Rauscher Farm’s attraction is its variety of habitats within a relatively confined area.    …read more

Advocacy & Stewardship

CGCT is the official Land Trust in Clinton, MA. As such, we are advocates and stewards for many parcels in Clinton. Three parcels have been donated to us outright, and many more parcels are conserved due to our advocacy and making connections in our community and beyond.    …read more

Monthly Meeting Minutes

All members are encouraged to come to our meetings and actively participate with ideas and planning of projects. Be part of the action.